Saturday, 5 September 2015

I am glad I can feel Gratitude

Actually, I wanted to write my blog post yesterday, but I was way too tired.
It was a very busy week at work and I came home every day both mentally and physically tired.
Despite this, I love my job, to be able to make a difference in people's lives, as my friend says.

I look forward to going to work 99% of the time. I look forward to see and work with my work mates. With many of them I have worked over 15 years together and you get to know each other quite well.
I was not alone in this feeling of fatigue this week. So we agreed (five of us) to meet next week after work, to drink a glass of wine together and talk and laugh and we'll see, maybe even cry. together.

Today is my "lazy" day, as I call it, and I usually treat myself with  such a day when my body or mind need it. I do what I want and not what I need that part of the day.

  1. Today I am thankful for the Music I have listened to throughout the day. The meditative, calming music that makes me feel good.
  2. I am grateful that I was able to be alone during the morning. I needed it.
  3. I am grateful for the nice chat conversation I had with my friend Dadi.Thanks, Dadi, you know what you mean to me. And we will help each other, as long as we live.And we will help each other to develop as it was meant to be: "To reach the stars, to reach the light."
  4. I am grateful that I do not need cook any food today ( smile). My husband is in the kitchen to prepare food, and tomorrow we are invited to a barbecue party.
  5. Today I am thankful that I can feel gratitude. Appreciate and give thanks for simple things in my Life.
See you,


Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Walking in the morning

"Walking in the morning takes you to beautiful places where light and shade make love."

Prof. Mohamed Shareef

I thought about this quote this morning when I walked to work. Just 20 minutes to go and soak up the scenery around me. It always puts me in a better mood.

Several years ago, I have heard and read about the long trek through Spain, in St. James track, it is 800 kilometers. The more I read about this the more I feel how this pilgrimage trek call me.:
"Come and join all those thoudsands pilgrims"..
So, I'm determined to answer this longing in me and to do the walk 2017- 2018. I need time to ready myself and save money.

Today is Wednesday and I start this September with gratitude.

  1.  I am grateful that all of us in the family are healthy 
  2. I am grateful that my children dare to take decisions that may affect their lives in the direction no one can predict
  3.  I'm grateful for these nice days, we have now. Although it's getting cold in the morning and in the evening, during the day, we have many sunny hours
  4. I am grateful that I have been able to make a little jewelry these last few week. I would actually have to deal with this every day. Making jewelry is like meditation for me. It does me good.
  5. Last, but not least, I am thankful for all my friends around the world. You know who you are. I feel such gratitude and humility that you are in my life. You make my life richer .

See you...