Monday, 1 June 2015

Gratitude challenge

I like Oprah Winfrey.
I have learned a lot from her and I have read many of  books from her book club.

Many years ago, I was watching the Oprah Winfrey Show where she told the world  about her  gratitude diary . Every day she wrote down  five things  she was  thankful for. She said that if people did this, they would after a while  see that view of life would really change. Oprah was something on the tracks.

Most often it is the small things in life that can really brighten our lives , if only we learn to see them! I remember that I thought about it then and could not understand, how to sit down and write a few lines would make my life better in some way.

A few years older and, I hope wiser, I realize that she was right.
In my A-Z Challenge I promised myself try this and write a Gratitude  diary.
I think it's time for me to do it now

Can we  train ourselves in Gratitude?
We have received so much what  we take for granted, as we have sometimes lost the perspective. It may take a little thought, or a meeting with someone who does not have what  I have,  to realize how much I have to be grateful for.

So I am challenging  myself and from today I will write down five stuff every day for a month .
I want to see if it will open my eyes and my soul for something that I can not see now.

 June, 1st 2015:

  1. I am grateful for my day off.
  2. I am thankful,  I could  sleep as long as my body needed it, and then enjoyed the morning in bed with a cup of tea and newspaper
  3. I am grateful for beautiful classical music,  I listened to it all day. It meant  I could enjoy extra my day off
  4. I am thankful for my family. My husband and my three children. What would life be without them?
  5. I am thankful for  sunny day we get today.