Thursday, 14 April 2016

L = Lagom

"Lagom" - is a word that describes the elementary in the Swedish national psyche of consensus and equality. It is a common saying in Sweden that describes a "normal" or "moderate balanced" state.

The Swede is often considered to be modest and avoid extremes. The concept of “lagom” has an undertone of "not too much or too little" as well as "lagom."

It is no easy task to describe the concept, because most descriptions have either a positive or negative connotations, while the " lagom" has no tone at all.

It is an entirely neutral word and it`s connotation is determined by the user.

The popular etymological translation is" around the team", meaning enough food and drink for everybody at the table.  It is said go back to Viking times, when they used big item to drink from.
Or was it a big horn ?

Welcome to Sweden !