Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Day before

 Advent day 25

The wait is almost over.
It is day Before Christmas.
The Christmas tree is in place, the ham is baked in Sweden and the carp is slaughtered in Slovak.

Tomorrow we celebrate Jesus, who came to world with LOVE.
Who came to world to learn people, what LOVE is. 
He came to the world with unconditional LOVE for all people regardless of religion, status, sexual preference.

Stop for a moment today and tomorrow.
Be thankful for all you have and make sure your thanks is heard.
Remember all who are sick and need help.
Remember all those who need a little bit of your love.

Remember those, who has  already left us waiting for the reunion.
Remember do a little extra for your family, your friend, your neighbour, just out of love.

Forget if food  is not tasting good, if the clothes don't fit properly. Christmas is not about that.
Christmas is about LOVE.
Love to you, to your family, to all people around you.
Exactly as a Little Child, has thought us:

Unconditional LOVE.

Celebrate this love with one of the most beautiful songs in the world.
If  you are as me, I will always sing this song in the language my mother taught me.

See you,