Sunday, 6 December 2015

St Nicolaus

Advent, day 8

In almost all European countries, unfortunately not in Sweden, we celebrate this day St. Mikulas or as he  is also called St. Nikolas.
It is a very important  day in one child's life.
Never in it's life is a child`s  shoes so finely trimmed and clean, as in this day. For some reason, which  only own parents know, St. Mikulas doesn`t leave gifts in dirty shoes.
To many children's disappointment.

So polished shoes are standing at the window or the door and the morning after there they are full of gifts.
By all means no big gifts. Some crayons, a book, some oranges and chocolate.

Small gifts, but they mean a lot.

During day could we get visit of St. Nikolas, who often came together with a devil and an angel. The Angel had nice big wings and devil had the sack of coal.
Hmm ... I wonder if he froze ... lol ..

See you,